First General Assembly of the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance in Dresden (Saxony, Germany)

The European semiconductor regions want to deepen their cooperation. Top representatives of the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance (ESRA) confirmed this goal at the Alliance's first General Assembly in Dresden on Wednesday.

The Alliance, which was founded in Brussels on the initiative of the Free State of Saxony in September 2023, adopted a joint position paper during its meeting in Dresden. Additionally, the Norte region (Portugal) joined ESRA as its 31st member.

The position paper emphasises the need to support the European semiconductor industry in the long term, to strengthen research and development, and to create good and sustainable framework conditions along the entire value chain. In addition, the signatories confirm their intention to work more closely together in the area of vocational training in order to effectively address the shortage of skilled labour.

Michael Kretschmer, Minister President of the Free State of Saxony and ESRA Chairman, stated: "The founding of ESRA was a brilliant move. This generates visibility and a competent point of contact for the European Commission and national governments. Together, we can achieve a lot. The fact that so many regions are united here sends a strong signal and shows the great interest in even more intensive trans-regional cooperation in the field of European microelectronics. ESRA will significantly contribute to ensuring that Europe remains competitive in this key industry in the coming years. This will not only strengthen Europe's technological sovereignty but also promote new jobs and economic growth in the regions."

Alberto Cirio, President of the Piedmont Region (Italy) and Co-Chairman of ESRA, commented: “Joining the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance is a strategic move for Piedmont Region, as harmonizing our voices amplifies our influence in the semiconductor landscape. With market-leading companies and a top-class scientific research system, Piedmont is well-positioned to leverage the opportunities presented by the Chips Act. Working together enhances our regional specializations, encourages investment, and ultimately benefits Europe as a whole. It is an honour to co-chair this initiative and, as we prepare to take on the presidency in autumn 2024, I am committed to promoting this alliance among other Italian regions to ensure we all move forward together for a prosperous and secure future.”

The first General Assembly in Dresden was attended by over 100 participants from the member regions, who engaged in intensive dialogue on how to further strengthen the European semiconductor industry. ESRA is a working platform of the regions concerned with consolidating and articulating the core interests of the semiconductor industry at the political level to the European Commission and the European Parliament. It aims to strengthen Europe's position as a semiconductor location in global competition and to promote the competitiveness of the semiconductor industry in the regions of the European Member States and the European Union as a whole.

The Alliance is committed to achieving the Commission's goal of doubling Europe's global market share in semiconductor production to 20 percent. The regions, where high-tech ecosystems are located, play a crucial role, ensuring the right framework conditions by providing the necessary complex infrastructure and research landscape that is essential for semiconductor manufacturing.

Impressions from First General Assembly on 29 May 2024 in Dresden
